

Junk food

Hello world!

There I am again! I assume you don't mind I didn't upload a photo for two days... I was terribly busy. But today, I do have a picture ready to share!

As you might be able to tell, I got this photo off I love this picture because it's so true, and I think it's really an eye-opener. Of course you all know it is very important to eat healthy and sport often, But when you are used to an 'unhealthy' life style, it is really hard to start eating healthier and all. We've all been through it, I know. But the last couple of days, I started eating more fruit whenever I felt hungry, instead of a cookie or a cracker or something, and it already makes such a difference! I used to be hungry all day, but now I don't really feel the urge to eat or anything! Of course, I do eat my breakfast, lunch, dinner and an occasional snack.
All I'm trying to say that, I don't know if this is scientifically proven or not, when you stop eating unhealthy things all the time (things with lots of sugar and fat, for instance) your craving for those unhealthy things also decreases, weird as it may sound. I experienced this myself, as I told you, and it feels great!

See you all tomorrow!

PS. I don't consider chocolate 'unhealthy'.
PPS. Just kidding.




Hello world!

There I am again, with a new picture of the day! 

This picture perfectly suits my day. Next week Thursday, our test week at school will start. I'll have 9 tests within 5 days. Great. So you can imagine I'm already busy studying for the first few tests right now, as all the tests are really important... Then I found this picture on (also something I do during studying) and it is exactly what is happening while I'm studying. Sometimes, I'm able to concentrate for half an hour, but then I really can't concentrate anymore and I'm just staring at the wall, or I grab my mobile phone to check if I have any messages (happens about 500 times in one minute)...
What is the best way to study? How do you cope with studying? When is the best moment of the day to be studying? What is your favorite subject to be studying for?
I'd love to know!

See you all tomorrow!


Roomie: Being there for people

Hello world! 

As I promised there would be a new picture everyday, here's my picture of today!

Now this seems like a really weird picture if you don't know the meaning. I know it has been going around on some other blogs, but the square on my hand represents a Roomie. There are many people who have problems at home, or are depressed, or anything of the sort. Most people then admit that they feel talking to someone does really help. This is when the Roomie comes in. 
A Roomie is a symbol to show other people that you are there for them, and that they can always come up to you to talk about their feelings, etc. I thought this a very nice concept when it passed by on other blogs, so now I regularly draw a Roomie on my hand. As I had to draw a new one today, because the other one looked really vague, I thought this would be a nice picture to show off to the world. 
When you like this concept too, draw a Roomie on e.g. your hand and show the world that you're always there to talk to people!
If you thought my story was really vague, you can always check out the website:
Spread the word and help each other :)!

See you all tomorrow!



Hello world!

I had problems logging into my other blog account, so I thought 'Why not start a new one?' as usual. I also claimed my blog on Bloglovin so you guys can easily follow me on there. I hope there will be a big audience in the end, would be kind of fun. 
Let's just say that whenever I'm inspired, I'll write about it. It could be anything. You can probably expect book reviews, nail polish reviews, food reviews, anything! Whatever I think of, I'll post it on here. Tell me whatever you would like to hear, and I will write about it. 
Because writing is my hobby. One of my favourite hobbies. I write whenever I can, and I never get tired of it! 
Of course my layout still looks pretty crappy and all that, but that will (hopefully) only become better and better over time. 

Let's say I'll post a picture on this blog on a daily basis! A picture that has inspired me that day, or a picture that means something to me. Good ideas come along when you are writing, really. Let's get right into the first picture of the day!

Gosh, it took me some time to get that in the right position. Still learning, everyday. I love this picture because it perfectly describes the mood I'm in, right now. It isn't a picture I took myself, I found it on the internet. I love the superheroes Batman and Superman, and I love hot chocolate (I mean... who doesn't?)! Hot chocolate is something I drink on a cold day in the weekend, when I'm going to do nothing but watch youtube videos or watch a movie on Netflix. Those are lovely days, and that is exactly what I feel like doing right now!

See you all tomorrow!